
Healthy Kids make Healthy Adults

Visiting your chiropractor isn’t just for adults. In fact, children of all ages can benefit from regular chiropractic adjustments. At Vitalogy Chiropractic we have undergone training to ensure the care we provide is appropriate for your child's growing body. Just like for adults, chiropractic adjustments aim to align the spine and reduce neurological interference so the body can function and heal at its prime.   

Safe, Natural and Drug Free

Chiropractic provides a safe, natural, and drug-free foundation for health that can have immediate and long-term benefits. Like adults, the spinal column is made of 24 separate vertebrae that allow our bodies to bend and move. The spinal column protects the delicate central nervous system which controls the body’s every function through communication between the brain and every muscle, organ, cell, and tissue in the body.

Subluxations of the spine occur when the motion or position of  2 or more vertebrae impedes the brain's ability to communicate with the body. Subluxations can be caused by everyday activities, postural abnormalities, stress, environment, etc. At Vitalogy Chiropractic we are trained to locate and correct subluxations with the application of a specific, safe, and gentle chiropractic adjustment.

It's not just about back pain. How can your child benefit from chiropractic care?

One of the most commonly held misconceptions about Chiropractic is that you should only go if your neck or back hurts due to some type of injury or accident. Wrong! Chiropractic is essential to help ensure you and your child have a lifetime of good health and well-being. Of course, Chiropractic helps with neck and back pain relief but in addition, chiropractic can also help with many common ailments or conditions experienced by children of all ages. Some of our patient's reports include:

  • Improved healing outcomes

  • Reduction in Growing pains

  • Improved immune system function

  • More positive behavior and attitude

  • Better sleep patterns

  • Scoliosis improvement

  • Postural improvement

  • Fewer ear infections

  • Better Gastrointestinal habits and digestion

  • Improved colic in babies

To see if chiropractic is a good fit for your growing family please reach out to us!

Frequently asked questions and answers

Don’t worry, we are parents too and we get your questions and concern, especially when researching solutions related to the health of your child. Here are a couple of common questions and answers we receive on a daily basis.

At what age can my child safely receive a chiropractic adjustment?

The truth is no patient is either too young or too old to receive chiropractic care. Every adjustment at Vitalogy Chiropractic is catered to the specific patient's needs. This includes an adjustment in force and technique to suit the needs of any individual patient. Based on age, physical condition, history, and exam findings the doctors at Vitalogy Chiropractic recognize which techniques are superior for an individual patient.

Can Chiropractic hurt my child?

Our adjustments at Vitalogy Chiropractic are highly controlled procedures tailored to the patient. Minimal force and gentle yet effective pressure rarely cause discomfort. In fact, most patients experience relief immediately following the adjustment.

How often does my child need to visit the Chiropractor?

Like the adjustment, the frequency of adjustments is also tailored to the patient on a case-by-case basis. We will gladly give your our recommendation for frequency of care.

What if my child is sore after the adjustment?

If you or your child are just beginning chiropractic care it is normal for some mild soreness to set in the day after an adjustment. This soreness is usually described as the equivalent of the start of a new exercise program. You can help ease any discomfort with stretching, drinking lots of water, ice, etc. This soreness usually subsides by the following day. After your receive regular scheduled chiropractic care soreness is not experienced in the days following an adjustment.

Corporate Wellness Programs


Recent studies make a clear case for the establishment of on-site chiropractic clinics in the workplace because it provides employees more convenient access to safe, effective care. Reduction of employees pain and disability increases both productivity and job satisfaction.

Chiropractic services have been found to benefit the workforce as well as employers in a variety of important ways. its a “win-win” investment for companies looking to improve productivity and reduce expenses. Studies conducted between 2010-2012 are encouraging because they suggest that one way to enhance your employees wellness by reducing costs is on site chiropractic care. 

The Journal of occupational and environmental medicine published a study tracking the cost of care for 1635 employees whom all received chiropractic care half from on site providers and half from off site providers. The researchers found that the on-site group required fewer visits and fewer expense diagnostic imaging tests. The authors reported that chiropractic care "demonstrated significant improvements in headache, neck pain, and low back pain functional status in patients utilizing on-site services over a short time frame while still showing lower utilization and cost outcomes than community-based care," and that "This study demonstrates that users of on-site chiropractic services have lower health care utilization than those who obtain their care at off-site community care centers.”

In a study at Anheuser-Bush brewing company on-site chiropractic care improved care for workers who spend most of their days moving heavy objects. Authors reported "In the two years since it was implemented, the number of employee sick days has declined by 22 percent, while the accident rate has been cut in half. Consequently, the company’s workers’ compensation costs have experienced a dramatic reduction, with premiums declining by more than 25 percent.” To sum up, long-term lowered healthcare costs are the result. 

Your most important resource is your employees. Your business after all is dependent on them being healthy enough to come to work and work productively while they are there. Most employers view their healthcare costs as an investment or a way of keeping the company healthy by keeping their employees healthy. 

Doctors of chiropractic are perfect intermediaries for businesses seeking cost reductions and productivity gains from healthier employees. We provide employees with individual proactive healthcare choices that fit their lifestyles. On-site chiropractic care expands the reach of care by bridging chiropractic, nutrition fitness, and lifestyle education to the place where employees spend the majority of their day. Our core belief is that healthy employees form the foundation of successful companies. You can create change in your company for an entire employee base which means happier employees and a healthier bottom line.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

Vitalogy Chiropractic will help you achieve a safer and more comfortable birth, no matter your birthing plan.

Your body is designed to birth your baby! Nowadays pregnancy is viewed and treated more as a medical condition than a natural process. Chiropractic care supports your body’s natural functions and helps achieve a safer more comfortable birth.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care

One of the most important times for a woman to receive chiropractic care is during pregnancy. From the moment of conception, many changes occur. Pain and discomfort are often believed to be inevitable complications of pregnancy. Most women seek chiropractic care for the relief of pregnancy-associated spinal pain, morning sickness, or the presentation of a breech baby.

A chiropractic adjustment does not “treat” pregnancy-related conditions but rather works with the body’s natural healing abilities to align the spine and pelvis. Spinal alignment, muscles, and ligaments rely on clear communication between the brain and body via the nervous system.

Chiropractic is a safe, natural, drug-free approach to pain relief, prevention, and a happier, healthier pregnancy. Millions of women seek chiropractic care for these very reasons.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic care during pregnancy?

With regular chiropractic adjustments, you may notice:

  • More comfort during pregnancy

  • Relief from pain

  • Reduction of nausea

  • Reduction of labor time and delivery

  • Better birth outcomes

  • Reduction of potential interventions including Cesarian delivery and induction of labor

  • Confidence in the birth process as a whole

How can chiropractic help?

Subluxations of the spine, commonly known as joint dysfunctions (subluxations), occur when two or more vertebrae become restricted and halt the body’s ability to communicate with itself. Joint dysfunctions during pregnancy can be caused by the changes taking place in your body as it prepares to support you and your new bundle of joy.

Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct subluxations by applying a gentle, targeted adjustment to the spine and extremities (where and when needed). This restores proper joint function and improves nerve communication throughout the body. This gentle non-invasive technique is commonly known as a chiropractic adjustment.

Preventitive Wellness Care

Preventative Chiropractic Care Helps Your Body Stay Healthy

When it comes to healthcare, an ounce of prevention is truly worth a pound of cure. Many people only focus on their health when sickness and pain shows up. At Vitalogy Chiropractic we compassionately treat all that enter our clinic seeking relief from pain or discomfort.

Even more importantly, we focus on prevention, we like to help our patients avoid health issues altogether, by assisting them in achieving wellness through healthy habits, lifestyle, and regular chiropractic care. Chiropractic care not only helps patients avoid being sidelined by debilitating pain, but it also improves overall health and immune function, allowing the body to more effectively combat sickness.  

Wellness Care

B.J. Palmer, the developer of chiropractic, famously stated, “The preservation of health is easier than the cure for disease.” This foundation not only applies to preventative care, but it is our philosophy at Vitalogy Chiropractic. We aim to ward off disease and physical dysfunction in our patients before it becomes a complication.

At Vitalogy Chiropractic, we believe that your healthcare should start long before any symptoms externalize. It is a disservice to only seek care once the signs and symptoms (pain or illness) have presented. This leaves the natural healing process at a disadvantage. Extended downtime related to injuries can cost patients big time. For example, absences from work, school, and recreational activities leave the potential for lost wages and added healthcare costs. One of the most common reasons people initially seek chiropractic treatment is for neck or back pain. Coincidentally, this is also the leading workplace injury and the number one reason that workers go on disability leave.

Vitalogy Chiropractic helps patients avoid pain and injury by providing regular preventative chiropractic care. Regardless of whether our patients visit our practice for chronic pain, an acute crisis, or preventative care, Vitalogy takes the time to get to know each patient and carefully assesses any issues or concerns. During a physical exam, our doctors search for any potential neural pathway obstructions possibly contributing to pain, discomfort, inhibited immune function, sleep disturbances, increased stress, etc... These neural pathway obstructions are corrected through alignment of the spinal articulations and by addressing the appendicular skeleton, allowing for optimal function through proper positioning. In other words, by providing our patients with preventative chiropractic care, we eliminate interference along the spine’s neural pathways, helping to prevent health issues altogether.

Health Benefits of Preventative Chiropractic Care

Our vision at Vitalogy Chiropractic is to serve our community by providing top-quality, natural, preventative healthcare solutions. We aim to help our patients avoid pain and suffering by providing regular chiropractic treatments to prevent any onset or worsening of established conditions, relapses, or re-injury.

Patients who receive regular preventative chiropractic treatments are significantly less likely to experience a debilitating injury. They also enjoy more active and productive lifestyles. Some of the other known benefits of preventative chiropractic care are as followed:

  • Improved Immune System

  • Decreased Pain & Discomfort

  • Increased Mobility & Flexibility

  • Stress Relief

  • Improved Sleep Quality

  • Decreased Recovery Time

  • Improved Mental Health

  • Reduced Anxiety

Along with providing the best chiropractic care that the Smyrna area has to offer, our staff can also provide patients with wisdom about the best nutritional and holistic practices. With our preventative care plans, we help our patients live happier and healthier lives.


Understanding migraine pain and how we can help you relieve it with routine chiropractic care.

Headaches are an all too common problem, and there is no need for people who suffer from them to live with the pain. According to research by The International Headache Society headache pain impacts almost 40% of Americans at some point in their life! Unfortunately these headaches can last anywhere between moments or days-depending on how severe they are--and will often come back after previously feeling better due to changes within your body's chemistry.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Migraines?

Migraines happen when one nerve becomes compressed resulting in excessive pains down both sides of your head as well as pressure behind eyes; tension typically only involves tightness across brows but also around eye sockets where muscles that hold "frame of skull" in place attach.

The symptoms are caused by the release of chemicals, which trigger swelling and inflammation; both overactive immune system and inflamed nerve tissues may also be responsible for pain; symptoms may seem like other medical problems. 

How Can Chiropractic Care Help with Migraines?

A chiropractic adjustment is a natural solution to the pain of migraines and tension headaches. Chiropractic care can be an alternative treatment for those who suffer from these conditions that relieves their suffering without side effects or addictive qualities, just like prescription medications do OTCs which contain harmful chemicals.

Some of the benefits that chiropractic care provides to migraine sufferers include:

  • Provides a non-drug alternative for headache relief that doesn't cause unwanted side effects.

  • Reduces tension in neck and shoulder muscles which may help reduce the frequency of headaches by reducing stress on nerve tissues.

  • Promotes better overall health by helping your body's ability to heal itself.

Chiropractic care can release the pressure placed on nerve endings within the neck region, which may be one cause of headaches because this pressure restricts blood flow or reduces oxygen.

Through chiropractic manipulation, it is possible to restore normal movement of the vertebrae, which may reduce nerve irritation and allow for better flow of blood and/or oxygen to be re-introduced. In short, chiropractic care helps the body return to a normal state as opposed to taking harmful prescription medications that mask or numb symptoms as opposed to treating the problem itself.

Find Relief for Migraines in Smyrna, GA

The chiropractors at Vitalogy Chiropractic in Smyrna will carry out a consultation, examination, and if required, refer you for diagnostic imaging such as x-ray or MRI to determine whether chiropractic therapy is appropriate for you. Based on the findings of our chiropractic evaluation and consultation, your chiropractor may decide to co-treat you with other modalities such as physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture/acupressure, or pain management.

If you've been looking online for answers to your arthritis pain, you may be searching for things like "chiropractor near me" or "Smyrna chiropractor" but that doesn't mean you're always getting the best results or the right doctor for you. Contact us today to book a consultation to see if we're the right fit for you and to learn more about our healthy, gentle approach to chiropractic and wellness care.

The information on this page is for people to learn about chiropractic care. It has text, graphics, and more. This page tells you the benefits of chiropractic care but it does not give medical advice or diagnosis or treatment. Talk with your chiropractor or physician if you have questions about a medical condition or treatment. This information on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any questions, talk to your doctor first before doing anything else.

Neck Pain

Understanding neck pain and how we can help you relieve it with routine chiropractic care.

What is Neck Pain?

Your neck is a part of your body that connects your head and torso. It also makes it possible for you to move your head. Your neck has 7 vertebrae and many muscles and ligaments. Neck pain can happen when the joints, muscles, or ligaments in the neck become irritated or inflamed.

Neck discomfort can be mild to severe, and symptoms might range from barely noticeable to excruciating. When other symptoms are present, neck pain might indicate that immediate medical attention is required.Common symptoms of neck pain include:

  • Stiff neck, little range of motion

  • Aching, fierce or piercing discomfort

  • General soreness or tenderness

  • Radiating pain, which may eventually move from the neck to the shoulders, arms, fingers, and head

Neck discomfort is not something that anybody should have to endure. Neck pain and discomfort affect approximately 17% of the adult population at some point in their lives. In many situations, poor posture or sleeping in an unusual position are to blame. Occasionally, it's caused by growth abnormalities, infections, tumors, and even cancer.

In any event, neck pain can be serious and should be addressed immediately.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help People with Neck Pain?

Chiropractic treatment can help you manage and alleviate neck discomfort caused by injury. Routine chiropractic treatment offers people who suffer from neck pain a non-invasive, non-addictive alternative to prescription drugs or over-the-counter pain medications (OTCs), which are frequently given to patients in order to help them cope with their  discomfort and pain.

Chiropractic care can help to reduce and in some cases completely remove neck pain due to a variety of causes. Our team understands that you may be apprehensive about visiting a chiropractor for the first time, but we also know that once you've received your initial treatment, you'll feel like an old friend is taking care of you.

We'll help to increase your range of motion so that you can perform activities, such as bending over or reaching up high, without pain. We'll also teach you how to manage stress and maintain good posture in order to prevent neck discomfort from recurring.

Chiropractors employ a non-invasive, non-addictive therapy known as a chiropractic adjustment to help relieve neck pain. In an attempt to reduce inflammation and increase the functioning of both the afflicted joint and nervous system, chiropractic adjustments loosen up restrictions or misalignments in the spine and other joints in the body. The aim is to provide you with instant relief and prevent recurrence.

Neck pain can be debilitating, but when patients turn to chiropractic care for help, they need not suffer in silence ever again.

Chiropractic care and adjustments can help people with neck pain. Below are some of the health benefits.

  • Less pain and discomfort

  • Less inflammation

  • Improvement in mobility, flexibility, and comfort

  • Relief from stiffness and aching

Find Relief for Neck Pain in Smyrna, GA

The chiropractors at Vitalogy Chiropractic in Smyrna will carry out a consultation, examination, and if required, refer you for diagnostic imaging such as x-ray or MRI to determine whether chiropractic therapy is appropriate for you. Based on the findings of our chiropractic evaluation and consultation, your chiropractor may decide to co-treat you with other modalities such as physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture/acupressure, or pain management.

If you've been looking online for answers to your arthritis pain, you may be searching for things like "chiropractor near me" or "Smyrna chiropractor" but that doesn't mean you're always getting the best results or the right doctor for you. Contact us today to book a consultation to see if we're the right fit for you and to learn more about our healthy, gentle approach to chiropractic and wellness care.

The information on this page is for people to learn about chiropractic care. It has text, graphics, and more. This page tells you the benefits of chiropractic care but it does not give medical advice or diagnosis or treatment. Talk with your chiropractor or physician if you have questions about a medical condition or treatment. This information on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any questions, talk to your doctor first before doing anything else.


Understanding arthritis and why chiropractic care can help you manage your arthritis pain.

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What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a term for inflammation of the joints. Arthritis can lead to pain, discomfort and decreased flexibility in different areas of your life.

In truth, there are over 100 separate types of arthritis. They vary significantly in severity and symptoms, meaning that 50 million Americans live with the disease -- making it the leading cause of disability nationwide.

Routine chiropractic care of your arthritis can help to manage and even relieve some types of arthritis symptoms.

There are two main types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis - A disease that affects the cartilage in your joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis - A perpetual condition that causes chronic inflammation of the joints

In both cases, self care combined with non-invasive and non-addictive treatment should be the first thing you do to help your pain.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help People Coping with Arthritis Pain?

Chiropractic care is a safe, non-invasive treatment that can alleviate arthritis. Unlike prescriptions for painkillers or over the counter drugs, chiropractic prevents side effects and addiction. Chiropractor care is an easier treatment option than prescription pharmaceuticals to handle arthritis pain without the side effects or addictive qualities.

Chiropractors offer a gentle, non-invasive treatment that can help with joint restrictions in the back or other joints. They also work to reduce inflammation and improve your body's ability to manage symptoms from arthritis or similar conditions.

Below are some of the benefits that chiropractic adjustments can provide to people with arthritis:

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Increased range of motion

  • Increased flexibility

The chiropractors at Vitalogy Chiropractic will perform a consultation, examination and refer you if necessary for diagnostic imaging such as x-ray or MRI. Based on the findings of our chiropractic exam and consultation, your doctor of chiropractic may elect to co-treat your arthritis with other healthcare professionals including massage therapists, physical therapists, rheumatologists, neurologists or orthopedic surgeons.

If you've been looking online for answers to your arthritis pain, you may be searching for things like "chiropractor near me" or "Smyrna chiropractor" but that doesn't mean you're always getting the best results or the right doctor for you. Contact us today to book a consultation to see if we're the right fit for you and to learn more about our healthy, gentle approach to chiropractic and wellness care.

The information on this page is for people to learn about chiropractic care. It has text, graphics, and more. This page tells you the benefits of chiropractic care but it does not give medical advice or diagnosis or treatment. Talk with your chiropractor or physician if you have questions about a medical condition or treatment. This information on this page is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any questions, talk to your doctor first before doing anything else.