
Healthy Kids make Healthy Adults

Visiting your chiropractor isn’t just for adults. In fact, children of all ages can benefit from regular chiropractic adjustments. At Vitalogy Chiropractic we have undergone training to ensure the care we provide is appropriate for your child's growing body. Just like for adults, chiropractic adjustments aim to align the spine and reduce neurological interference so the body can function and heal at its prime.   

Safe, Natural and Drug Free

Chiropractic provides a safe, natural, and drug-free foundation for health that can have immediate and long-term benefits. Like adults, the spinal column is made of 24 separate vertebrae that allow our bodies to bend and move. The spinal column protects the delicate central nervous system which controls the body’s every function through communication between the brain and every muscle, organ, cell, and tissue in the body.

Subluxations of the spine occur when the motion or position of  2 or more vertebrae impedes the brain's ability to communicate with the body. Subluxations can be caused by everyday activities, postural abnormalities, stress, environment, etc. At Vitalogy Chiropractic we are trained to locate and correct subluxations with the application of a specific, safe, and gentle chiropractic adjustment.

It's not just about back pain. How can your child benefit from chiropractic care?

One of the most commonly held misconceptions about Chiropractic is that you should only go if your neck or back hurts due to some type of injury or accident. Wrong! Chiropractic is essential to help ensure you and your child have a lifetime of good health and well-being. Of course, Chiropractic helps with neck and back pain relief but in addition, chiropractic can also help with many common ailments or conditions experienced by children of all ages. Some of our patient's reports include:

  • Improved healing outcomes

  • Reduction in Growing pains

  • Improved immune system function

  • More positive behavior and attitude

  • Better sleep patterns

  • Scoliosis improvement

  • Postural improvement

  • Fewer ear infections

  • Better Gastrointestinal habits and digestion

  • Improved colic in babies

To see if chiropractic is a good fit for your growing family please reach out to us!

Frequently asked questions and answers

Don’t worry, we are parents too and we get your questions and concern, especially when researching solutions related to the health of your child. Here are a couple of common questions and answers we receive on a daily basis.

At what age can my child safely receive a chiropractic adjustment?

The truth is no patient is either too young or too old to receive chiropractic care. Every adjustment at Vitalogy Chiropractic is catered to the specific patient's needs. This includes an adjustment in force and technique to suit the needs of any individual patient. Based on age, physical condition, history, and exam findings the doctors at Vitalogy Chiropractic recognize which techniques are superior for an individual patient.

Can Chiropractic hurt my child?

Our adjustments at Vitalogy Chiropractic are highly controlled procedures tailored to the patient. Minimal force and gentle yet effective pressure rarely cause discomfort. In fact, most patients experience relief immediately following the adjustment.

How often does my child need to visit the Chiropractor?

Like the adjustment, the frequency of adjustments is also tailored to the patient on a case-by-case basis. We will gladly give your our recommendation for frequency of care.

What if my child is sore after the adjustment?

If you or your child are just beginning chiropractic care it is normal for some mild soreness to set in the day after an adjustment. This soreness is usually described as the equivalent of the start of a new exercise program. You can help ease any discomfort with stretching, drinking lots of water, ice, etc. This soreness usually subsides by the following day. After your receive regular scheduled chiropractic care soreness is not experienced in the days following an adjustment.