Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

Vitalogy Chiropractic will help you achieve a safer and more comfortable birth, no matter your birthing plan.

Your body is designed to birth your baby! Nowadays pregnancy is viewed and treated more as a medical condition than a natural process. Chiropractic care supports your body’s natural functions and helps achieve a safer more comfortable birth.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic Care

One of the most important times for a woman to receive chiropractic care is during pregnancy. From the moment of conception, many changes occur. Pain and discomfort are often believed to be inevitable complications of pregnancy. Most women seek chiropractic care for the relief of pregnancy-associated spinal pain, morning sickness, or the presentation of a breech baby.

A chiropractic adjustment does not “treat” pregnancy-related conditions but rather works with the body’s natural healing abilities to align the spine and pelvis. Spinal alignment, muscles, and ligaments rely on clear communication between the brain and body via the nervous system.

Chiropractic is a safe, natural, drug-free approach to pain relief, prevention, and a happier, healthier pregnancy. Millions of women seek chiropractic care for these very reasons.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic care during pregnancy?

With regular chiropractic adjustments, you may notice:

  • More comfort during pregnancy

  • Relief from pain

  • Reduction of nausea

  • Reduction of labor time and delivery

  • Better birth outcomes

  • Reduction of potential interventions including Cesarian delivery and induction of labor

  • Confidence in the birth process as a whole

How can chiropractic help?

Subluxations of the spine, commonly known as joint dysfunctions (subluxations), occur when two or more vertebrae become restricted and halt the body’s ability to communicate with itself. Joint dysfunctions during pregnancy can be caused by the changes taking place in your body as it prepares to support you and your new bundle of joy.

Chiropractors are trained to locate and correct subluxations by applying a gentle, targeted adjustment to the spine and extremities (where and when needed). This restores proper joint function and improves nerve communication throughout the body. This gentle non-invasive technique is commonly known as a chiropractic adjustment.